Harp Genealogy
Source Page 1
[S1] Personal knowledge of Karla Harp (unknown informant address), 05 Feb 2005.
[S2] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
[S3] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
[S4] Unknown name of person, unknown record type unknown number, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
[S5] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
[S6] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
[S8] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
[S9] Madison County, Iowa Marriage Records 1900-1909, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~iamadiso/marriage_records/1900-09/mar_rec_1900-09_o.html.
[S11] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
[S13] Winterset Cemetary, Madison County Iowa, online http://www.interment.net/data/us/ia/madison/winterset/.
[S14] Worthington Cemetary, Madison County, Iowa, online http://www.interment.net/data/us/ia/madison/worthington.htm.
[S15] Madison County Birth Records, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~iamadiso/birth_records/birth_rec_idx.html.
[S16] Unknown article title, The Winterset Madisonian, http://www.iowaoldpress.com/IA/Madison/1877/FEB.html, February 15, 1877.
[S17] Unknown article title, The Winterset Madisonian, http://www.iowaoldpress.com/IA/Madison/1878/JAN.html, January 3, 1878.
[S19] Unknown article title, The Winterset Madisonian, http://www.iowaoldpress.com/IA/Madison/1885/MAR.html, March 19, 1885.
[S20] Knox County, Illinois Genealogy and History, online http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilknox/maps/plat_sparta.htm.
[S21] Unknown name of person, unknown record type unknown number, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
[S22] Unknown subject, International Genealogical Index (IGI) (unknown repository address: unknown repository).
[S23] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
[S24] "Unknown article title", Alabama Land Patent Database, online http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/al/dekalb/land/blm/dekalb-h-k.txt. Previously published in hard copy (n.p.: n.pub.).
[S25] Unknown compiler, online www.rootsweb.com, unknown author (Rootsweb), downloaded 08/30/2005.
[S26] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
[S27] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
[S28] Unknown household, unknown record type, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
[S29] "Unknown article title", Marriages of Butts County, online http://www.lofthouse.com/USA/ga/butts/marg3.htm. Previously published in hard copy (n.p.: n.pub.).
[S30] Unknown compiler, online www.ancestry.com, unknown author (unknown location).
[S31] Unknown subject, unknown file number, Social Security Death Index (SSDI), unknown series (n.p.: n.pub.).
[S32] Jinks Family Website, online http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jinks/.
[S33] Access Genealogy, online www.accessgenealogy.com.
[S34] Family Search, online www.familysearch.org.
[S35] Unknown compiler, online http://alabamaancestors.com, unknown author (unknown location), downloaded 11/26/2005.
[S36] Muster Roll of Company E
39th Regiment
Georgia Volunteer Infantry
Army of Tennessee
Walker County, Georgia
Muster Roll of Company E, 39th Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry, Army of Tennessee, Walker County, Georgia, online http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6370/walker/companye2.html.
[S37] Descendants of Archibald Campbell, online http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/c/a/m/Kendyll-D-Campbell/ODT5-0001.html.
[S38] Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763–1900, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
[S39] Alabama Marriages, 1809-1920, online www.ancestry.com.
[S40] Alabama Ancestors, online www.alabamaancestors.com.
[S41] "Unknown article title", Georgia Marriages to 1850, online www.ancestry.com. Previously published in hard copy (n.p.: n.pub.).
[S42] Unknown compiler, online http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/a/x/axd2/genealogy/genWalden.html, unknown author (unknown location).
[S43] Citation.
[S44] Unknown author, unknown subject in "unknown title", listserve message to unknown listserve, unknown original date.
[S45] Unknown subject, World War 1 Registration (n.p.: n.pub.).
[S46] George Harp Obituary, George Harp Obituary, unknown location, 2/6/2002. Hereinafter cited as Daily Mountain Eagle.
[S47] North Carolina Marriage Collection, 1741-2000, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
[S48] Alabama Marriages, 1807-1902
Alabama Marriages, 1807-1902
Alabama Marriages, 1807-1902, online www.ancestry.com.
Jill Kastello
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Site updated on 25 June 2006 at 6:47:43 PM from Karla Harp2; 337 people