Kastello Genealogy
Person Page 39
Father | Benjamin S. Day1 b. 1791, d. 1854 | |
Mother | Katherine Onstott1 b. 22 December 1797, d. 1856 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 1837 | 1 |
Marriage* | 8 September 1853 | Principal=Mary Hodges1 |
Death* | 1872 | Dewitt, Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Family | Mary Hodges b. between 1816 and 1841, d. between 1858 and 1931 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1816 and 1841 | 2 |
Marriage* | 8 September 1853 | Principal=George A. Day1 |
Death* | between 1858 and 1931 | 2 |
Family | George A. Day b. 1837, d. 1872 |
Citations |
Father | Benjamin S. Day1 b. 1791, d. 1854 | |
Mother | Katherine Onstott1 b. 22 December 1797, d. 1856 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 28 December 1837 | 1 |
Marriage* | 12 November 1857 | Dewitt County, Illinois, Principal=Mary Enos1 |
Death* | 15 May 1921 | Dewitt, Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Family | Mary Enos b. between 1820 and 1844, d. between 1862 and 1933 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1820 and 1844 | 2 |
Marriage* | 12 November 1857 | Dewitt County, Illinois, Principal=John W. Day1 |
Death* | between 1862 and 1933 | 2 |
Family | John W. Day b. 28 December 1837, d. 15 May 1921 |
Citations |
Father | Benjamin S. Day1,2 b. 1791, d. 1854 | |
Mother | Katherine Onstott1,2 b. 22 December 1797, d. 1856 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 1845 | Dewitt, Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Marriage* | 5 October 1868 | Principal=Elizabeth Golden1 |
Death* | between 1874 and 1936 | 2 |
Family | Elizabeth Golden b. between 1830 and 1854, d. between 1873 and 1942 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1830 and 1854 | 2 |
Marriage* | 5 October 1868 | Principal=J. Bruce Day1 |
Death* | between 1873 and 1942 | 2 |
Family | J. Bruce Day b. 1845, d. between 1874 and 1936 |
Citations |
Father | Nicholas Onstott1 b. 25 February 1763, d. 1829 | |
Mother | Maria Sherfey1 b. 16 March 1768, d. 7 January 1858 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Burial* | Woodlawn Cemetary, Dewitt County, Illinois1 | |
Note* | Born in Garrett County, Kentucky, Sept. 18, 1799. He left Kentucky April 17, 1823, and arrived in Illinois May 23rd. He settled with his brother, David, who came to Illinois in 1820 in the forks of Salt Creek and Sangamon Rivers, in what is now Menard County, but was then Sangamon County. He helped his brother in farming and distilling, running a copper still and making whiskey out of rye and corn mix, which whiskey sold for about 50 cents per gallon. He stayed with his brother until the fall of 1824, when he married Mary Branson and went to keeping house near his brother's in a log cabin with puncheon floor and stick chimney, while for furniture they had two stools, a borrowed chair and bed, slab table and a few cooking utensils. At that time the country was very mild and game was abundant. Mr. Onstott says that at one time he saw 70 head of deer feeding together, although this was an extraordinary number. In 1828 he went to Galena and worked in the lead mines, where he earned the money with which he purchased his farm. He entered his farm in Waynesville Twp in December 1828, and moved upon it in spring of 1829. Mr. Onstott's impression is that Waynesville was first settled in 1826. His nearest neighbors were John Scott, Daniel Vincent, John Glenn, Samuel Cutwright, Wm. Cotterel, Samuel P.Glenn, Martin Scott, James K. Scott, and a family named Lundy. He moved into a hewed log house, which was called the finest in the country. At that time Springfield was his nearest post office, but the settlers did not get much mail; if they received a letter six months after it was mailed, they thought they were doing well. Springfield was the nearest trading point. He went to Peoria once with a load of wheat, but found no purchaser and had to haul it back home. This country was at that time embraced in Tazewell County, and Mr. Onstott had to go to Mackinaw to serve on jury. The settlers located next to the timber, thinking that if they got the timber the prairie would be theirs, as they never dreamed that any one would settle upon the prairie, and it was not until the location of the Illinois Central railroad through this country that the prairie was regarded as of any value for farming purposes. There was then no settlement east or south of the Waynesville and Coppenbarger settlements. The people were simple in their habits, hospitable and kind to each other, and all were upon equal footing. The women made their own clothing from wool and flax. The men generally wore buckskin pants, and a linen shirt and pair of pants was the general summer costume of the men. Everything was free to the stranger, no matter how long he stayed, but he was expected to tell who he was, where he came from, where he was going, and the nature of his business. The great want of the country was mills to grind the corn and wheat. Sugars and Scott built a mill below Waynesville, on Kickapoo Creek, and Sugars had a corn-cracker above Waynesville. Payne had a horse mill on Salt Creek, but for flour they had to go to Mackinaw. There were wild animals of a dangerous character, except wolves, and these but seldom attacked the people except when in great hunger. Mr. Onstott tells of a girl who was chased to his house by wolves, and the next morning he found a hog killed by them. One bear was seen in the settlement. The deep snow commenced falling a little before Christmas in 1830,and kept on until the next March. The snow was from three feet on a level on the prairie. It drifted until all the ravines were filled up to the level. This snow killed off most of the deer, as there were but few in the country after that. During that dreadful winter people lived on hominy and potatoes. They could not get to the mills to have their corn ground, and so had to boil and grate it. The town of Waynesville was located in 1832 or 1833, and the first store was kept by Thomas Dunham and his uncle Greenman. Mr. Onstott continued to live on his farm in Waynesville Twp until two years ago last fall, when he removed to Clinton. He still owns the farm, but his and Samuel P. Glenn's are the only farms that have not changed hands in that settlement. Ref: The Dewitt Co. Genalogical Quarterly, V.3,pp.100.n is piecing quilts. I would be pleased to have a letter or card from any of my friends or former acquaintances who may see this."-Mrs. P.M. Richardson, Carbon, R.R. Box 42, Texas. [Descendents of Johann Onstott] | |
Birth* | 1799 | Garrett County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | between 1816 and 1849 | Principal=Elizabeth Pottle1 |
Marriage* | 23 September 1824 | Sangamon County, Illinois, Principal=Mary Branson1 |
Death* | 1887 | Clinton, Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Family 1 | Elizabeth Pottle b. between 1795 and 1815, d. between 1816 and 1899 |
Family 2 | Mary Branson b. 10 March 1803, d. between 1846 and 1898 | |
Children | 1. | John Onstott b. 18 Aug 1826, d. 29 Aug 18261 |
2. | Thomas J. Onstott b. 18 Aug 1826, d. 27 Oct 18271 | |
3. | Mary Jennie Onstott b. 1829, d. bt 1858 - 19231,2 | |
4. | Nancy Onstott b. 29 Jul 1829, d. 18341 | |
5. | Sarah E. Onstott b. 28 May 1830, d. 18641 | |
6. | Lucinda Katherine Onstott b. 1836, d. bt 1860 - 19301,2 | |
7. | George Washington Onstott b. 15 Oct 1842, d. 31 Mar 19221 | |
8. | Emma Onstott b. 1844, d. 19211 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1795 and 1815 | 2 |
Marriage* | between 1816 and 1849 | Principal=Abraham Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1816 and 1899 | 2 |
Family | Abraham Onstott b. 1799, d. 1887 |
Citations |
Birth* | 10 March 1803 | Green County, Ohio1 |
Marriage* | 23 September 1824 | Sangamon County, Illinois, Principal=Abraham Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1846 and 1898 | 2 |
Family | Abraham Onstott b. 1799, d. 1887 | |
Children | 1. | John Onstott b. 18 Aug 1826, d. 29 Aug 18261 |
2. | Thomas J. Onstott b. 18 Aug 1826, d. 27 Oct 18271 | |
3. | Mary Jennie Onstott b. 1829, d. bt 1858 - 19231,2 | |
4. | Nancy Onstott b. 29 Jul 1829, d. 18341 | |
5. | Sarah E. Onstott b. 28 May 1830, d. 18641 | |
6. | Lucinda Katherine Onstott b. 1836, d. bt 1860 - 19301,2 | |
7. | George Washington Onstott b. 15 Oct 1842, d. 31 Mar 19221 | |
8. | Emma Onstott b. 1844, d. 19211 |
Citations |
Father | Abraham Onstott1 b. 1799, d. 1887 | |
Mother | Mary Branson1 b. 10 March 1803, d. between 1846 and 1898 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 18 August 1826 | Sangamon County, Illinois1 |
Death* | 29 August 1826 | Sangamon County, Illinois1 |
Citations |
Father | Abraham Onstott1 b. 1799, d. 1887 | |
Mother | Mary Branson1 b. 10 March 1803, d. between 1846 and 1898 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 18 August 1826 | Sangamon County, Illinois1 |
Death* | 27 October 1827 | Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Citations |
Father | Abraham Onstott1,2 b. 1799, d. 1887 | |
Mother | Mary Branson1,2 b. 10 March 1803, d. between 1846 and 1898 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 1829 | Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Marriage* | 12 December 1852 | Principal=James Donnell1 |
Death* | between 1858 and 1923 | 2 |
Family | James Donnell b. between 1806 and 1832, d. between 1857 and 1919 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1806 and 1832 | 2 |
Marriage* | 12 December 1852 | Principal=Mary Jennie Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1857 and 1919 | 2 |
Family | Mary Jennie Onstott b. 1829, d. between 1858 and 1923 |
Citations |
Father | Abraham Onstott1 b. 1799, d. 1887 | |
Mother | Mary Branson1 b. 10 March 1803, d. between 1846 and 1898 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 29 July 1829 | Waynesville, Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Death* | 1834 | Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Citations |
Father | Abraham Onstott1 b. 1799, d. 1887 | |
Mother | Mary Branson1 b. 10 March 1803, d. between 1846 and 1898 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 28 May 1830 | Waynesville, Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Marriage* | 31 December 1852 | Principal=Henry W. Warner1 |
Death* | 1864 | 1 |
Family | Henry W. Warner b. between 1806 and 1832, d. between 1857 and 1919 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1806 and 1832 | 2 |
Marriage* | 31 December 1852 | Principal=Sarah E. Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1857 and 1919 | 2 |
Family | Sarah E. Onstott b. 28 May 1830, d. 1864 |
Citations |
Father | Abraham Onstott1,2 b. 1799, d. 1887 | |
Mother | Mary Branson1,2 b. 10 March 1803, d. between 1846 and 1898 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 1836 | Waynesville, Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Marriage* | 19 December 1854 | Dewitt County, Illinois, Principal=Jacob B. Halderman1 |
Death* | between 1860 and 1930 | 2 |
Family | Jacob B. Halderman b. between 1809 and 1836, d. between 1859 and 1923 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1809 and 1836 | 2 |
Marriage* | 19 December 1854 | Dewitt County, Illinois, Principal=Lucinda Katherine Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1859 and 1923 | 2 |
Family | Lucinda Katherine Onstott b. 1836, d. between 1860 and 1930 |
Citations |
Father | Abraham Onstott1 b. 1799, d. 1887 | |
Mother | Mary Branson1 b. 10 March 1803, d. between 1846 and 1898 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 15 October 1842 | Waynesville, Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Marriage* | 14 September 1865 | Waynesville, Dewitt County, Illinois, Principal=Unknown Gardner1 |
Death* | 31 March 1922 | 1 |
Family | Unknown Gardner b. between 1827 and 1851, d. between 1870 and 1939 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1827 and 1851 | 2 |
Marriage* | 14 September 1865 | Waynesville, Dewitt County, Illinois, Principal=George Washington Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1870 and 1939 | 2 |
Family | George Washington Onstott b. 15 October 1842, d. 31 March 1922 |
Citations |
Father | Abraham Onstott1 b. 1799, d. 1887 | |
Mother | Mary Branson1 b. 10 March 1803, d. between 1846 and 1898 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 1844 | Illinois1 |
Marriage* | 19 September 1861 | Dewitt County, Illinois, Principal=John N. Webster1 |
Death* | 1921 | 1 |
Family | John N. Webster b. between 1816 and 1844, d. between 1866 and 1931 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1816 and 1844 | 2 |
Marriage* | 19 September 1861 | Dewitt County, Illinois, Principal=Emma Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1866 and 1931 | 2 |
Family | Emma Onstott b. 1844, d. 1921 |
Citations |
Father | Nicholas Onstott1 b. 25 February 1763, d. 1829 | |
Mother | Maria Sherfey1 b. 16 March 1768, d. 7 January 1858 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Burial* | Gerrard County, Kentucky1 | |
Note* | William Onstott,was born March 11, 1802, in Lancaster, Gerrard Co, Kentucky. He was the eighth child born to Nicholaus and Maria Sherfy Onstott. He married Easter Stone, Dec. 21, 1829, in Lancaster. From this union came sixteen children. William died July 14, 1882 and Easter died Sept. 28, 1897. They are both buried in Gerrard Co, Kentucky. After the death of his father, William assumed the management of the family homestead, and after the death of his mother, he became the sole owner. Because of the size of his family, he built onto the house. Wild game added to the support of the family, as did fish from the Dix River. The farm was not enough support of the family, so William, set out and built a stone distillery and began distilling whiskey for sale. His operation was legal, and didn't conflict with the Fort Dix Babtist Church to which, he and his family belonged. His wife Easter, was the daughter of Smith Stone. She was a very small framed women, and very frail in appearance. But she possessed tremendous energy, to raise and care for such a large family. She was 14 years, 9 months, and 29 days old, when her and William were married. It was reported, that in spite of her diminutive size, she would carry three pails of water from the spring--one in each hand and one on her head. She lived to an age of 82 years. WILLIAM ONSTOTT WILL "I William Onstott of Gerrard Co, Kentucky do make this my last will and testament." "After the payment of any debts I may owe and my burial expenses I give to my beloved wife, Easter Onstott all the residue of my estate real personal and mixed during her life and after her death to be equally divided among all my children and if any of my children are dead leaving issue the portion going to such child or children shall go to their issue." "2nd I have advance to each of my children heretofore the sum of one hundred and ten dollars in addition to this sum I have paid for my son Levi Onstott the sum of two hundred dollars which if not paid by said Levi to me or to my wife after my death I charge to him as an advancement and in addition to the said sum of $110.00, to Nancy Jane Reynolds I have loaned to her husband the sum of $52 which if not paid to me or my wife after my death I charge to said Nancy Jane as an advancement and if said sum is paid to my wife after my death I direct that he shall pay no interest." "I direct that each of my children shall be charged with one hundred and ten dollars as an advancement to them I direct my wife Easter Onstott, pay any debts I may be owing at my death and my burial expenses out of money she may have on hand at my death and if she should have no money on hand at that time she shall sell enough of my personal property to pay same and the residue of all my personal property shall go to her as above stated." "I direct that no administration be granted on my estate." Witness my hand this 14th day of April 1882. Witnesses: his X mark William Onstott William G. Smith Wm. McKee Duncanre wild animals of a dangerous character, except wolves, and these but seldom attacked the people except when in great hunger. Mr. Onstott tells of a girl who was chased to his house by wolves, and the next morning he found a hog killed by them. One bear was seen in the settlement. The deep snow commenced falling a little before Christmas in 1830,and kept on until the next March. The snow was from three feet on a level on the prairie. It drifted until all the ravines were filled up to the level. This snow killed off most of the deer, as there were but few in the country after that. During that dreadful winter people lived on hominy and potatoes. They could not get to the mills to have their corn ground, and so had to boil and grate it. The town of Waynesville was located in 1832 or 1833, and the first store was kept by Thomas Dunham and his uncle Greenman. Mr. Onstott continued to live on his farm in Waynesville Twp until two years ago last fall, when he removed to Clinton. He still owns the farm, but his and Samuel P. Glenn's are the only farms that have not changed hands in that settlement. Ref: The Dewitt Co. Genalogical Quarterly, V.3,pp.100.n is piecing quilts. I would be pleased to have a letter or card from any of my friends or former acquaintances who may see this."-Mrs. P.M. Richardson, Carbon, R.R. Box 42, Texas. Another article written by Fannie (Phama Miller Onstott Coldiron Richardson) in 1916 appeared in the Dallas Herald: "I came to Texas in 1845 and followed the frontier as long as my husband lived. He died in 1859, and I was left with five children, the oldest 16, and the next oldest 6, and the others still younger. We had 100 head of cattle and two horses when he died. We lived in Parker County then, away from all my folks except one old uncle. We sold out and moved down to Goliad County, where my sister was living. I hired my nephew to help drive the cattle. My brother and family, and Old Lady Luxton and others went with me. In all we had about 300 head of cattle. We started about the first of May, 1860, the year of the beginning of the Civil War. We crossed the Brazos River and went down the devide between it and Lean. On Steele Creek we had a storm and rain. It fell in torrents. My son and nephew stood on the wagon wheels to hold it from turning over. As we went on, there were so many cattle on the prarie that I had to let my son help drive the cattle, while I drove the oxen to the wagon." "We got to Goliad June 15. We made a crop the next year, and the third year we went down on the coast and put us up a cabin and chimney. It soaked us that winter. In 1863, my son went to war, so my only help was a nine year old boy to help take care of my cattle. About two weeks after my son enlisted, he was taken down with congestion on the brain and was carried to Victoria to the hospital. The company sent me word, and I got my pony and went to him. Next morning I got there about ten o'clock. He did not know me, but I stayed with him until about three o'clock. I asked the steward if he cared for me getting my own doctor. He said he didn't, and I went by his (the doctor's) house and told him I wanted him to go to Victoria to see my son. He said he would be there before I would the next morning. I made arrangements with cousin Sarah to take care of my children and I started back to Victoria by daylight and beat the doctor there. On the sixth day, I went home and then went every day to see him for two weeks: then the next two weeks, I went every three days. It was twenty miles from home to Victoria. Then I took him home, and when he got well they took him back into the army, and he took sick with the measels. They ordered him out to relieve the guards, and he got wet. The measels settled in his lungs, and he got a permit to come home where he died. He gave me evidence on his deathbed that he was going to God to live." "My little ones and I got along during this time spinning and weaving our cloth. We would sit up every night. I would card and my ten year old would spin till we got enough for twenty or thirty yards, then I would weave, and we would fill my quills. He and his little sister, Dora, did the cooking, what little we had to cook. While my brother was there (he was too old to go to war) he kept us womenfolk in meat, but the clabber-eaters ran him off. You have heard of the old hounds getting the young hounds off after the foxes and then would run back and eat the clabber. That was the way a great many did during the war. I got up one morning and had no meat for breakfast. I suggested to my neighbor, Mrs. Jackson, that we have meat for dinner and she wanted to know how we could get it. I told her to saddle her pony, and I would show her. We got on our horses and pulled out with our two dogs. We went about a mile and jumped a bunch of fat hogs. The dogs ran them about two hundred yards and caught one. I galloped up, stuck it, and tied it to my old mares tail and dragged it home. It weighed about 175 pounds. One night about thirty head of my cattle were stolen, and I rode two weeks hunting them. The clabber-eaters kept on and left me nothing by the time the war closed. I traded my brand for twenty three head of horses, and all except three were stolen." [Descendents of Johann Onstott] | |
Birth* | 11 March 1802 | Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | 21 December 1829 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Easter Stone1 |
Death* | 14 July 1882 | 1 |
Family | Easter Stone b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Children | 1. | Susan Catherine Onstott d. bt 1875 - 19681,2 |
2. | Nicholaus Onstott b. 13 May 1831, d. bt 1868 - 19221,2 | |
3. | Levi Allen Onstott b. 25 Jan 1833, d. bt 1874 - 19241,2 | |
4. | Mary Ann Onstott b. 24 Apr 1834, d. bt 1858 - 19281,2 | |
5. | Henry Clay Onstott b. c 1836, d. bt 1837 - 19261,2 | |
6. | Sarah E. Onstott b. 22 Jan 1838, d. bt 1870 - 19321,2 | |
7. | George Washington Onstott b. 12 Jul 1839, d. bt 1874 - 19301,2 | |
8. | William H. Onstott b. c 1841, d. bt 1842 - 19311,2 | |
9. | Robert Montgomery Onstott b. 3 May 1843, d. 16 May 19081 | |
10. | Nancy Jane Onstott b. 16 Jun 1845, d. bt 1859 - 19391,2 | |
11. | Jeremiah L. Onstott b. c 1846, d. bt 1847 - 19361,2 | |
12. | Ephriam S. Onstott b. 15 Jun 1848, d. bt 1849 - 19381,2 | |
13. | Matthew Onstott b. c 1852, d. bt 1853 - 19421,2 | |
14. | John T. Onstott b. 8 Mar 1853, d. bt 1881 - 19441,2 | |
15. | Isaac Allen Onstott b. 5 May 1854, d. bt 1880 - 19451,2 |
Citations |
Father | Smith Stone1 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Burial* | Gerrard County, Kentucky1 | |
Birth* | 1804 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | 21 December 1829 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=William Onstott1 |
Death* | 28 September 1897 | 1 |
Family | William Onstott b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Children | 1. | Susan Catherine Onstott d. bt 1875 - 19681,2 |
2. | Nicholaus Onstott b. 13 May 1831, d. bt 1868 - 19221,2 | |
3. | Levi Allen Onstott b. 25 Jan 1833, d. bt 1874 - 19241,2 | |
4. | Mary Ann Onstott b. 24 Apr 1834, d. bt 1858 - 19281,2 | |
5. | Henry Clay Onstott b. c 1836, d. bt 1837 - 19261,2 | |
6. | Sarah E. Onstott b. 22 Jan 1838, d. bt 1870 - 19321,2 | |
7. | George Washington Onstott b. 12 Jul 1839, d. bt 1874 - 19301,2 | |
8. | William H. Onstott b. c 1841, d. bt 1842 - 19311,2 | |
9. | Robert Montgomery Onstott b. 3 May 1843, d. 16 May 19081 | |
10. | Nancy Jane Onstott b. 16 Jun 1845, d. bt 1859 - 19391,2 | |
11. | Jeremiah L. Onstott b. c 1846, d. bt 1847 - 19361,2 | |
12. | Ephriam S. Onstott b. 15 Jun 1848, d. bt 1849 - 19381,2 | |
13. | Matthew Onstott b. c 1852, d. bt 1853 - 19421,2 | |
14. | John T. Onstott b. 8 Mar 1853, d. bt 1881 - 19441,2 | |
15. | Isaac Allen Onstott b. 5 May 1854, d. bt 1880 - 19451,2 |
Citations |
Marriage* | ||
Death* | ||
Birth* |
Family | ||
Child | 1. | Easter Stone+ b. 1804, d. 28 Sep 18971 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 13 May 1831 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | 2 February 1863 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=George Ann Elliott1 |
Death* | between 1868 and 1922 | 2 |
Family | George Ann Elliott b. between 1824 and 1846, d. between 1868 and 1934 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 25 January 1833 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | 25 February 1869 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Minerva Boyle1 |
Death* | between 1874 and 1924 | 2 |
Family | Minerva Boyle b. between 1828 and 1852, d. between 1874 and 1940 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1824 and 1846 | 2 |
Marriage* | 2 February 1863 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Nicholaus Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1868 and 1934 | 2 |
Family | Nicholaus Onstott b. 13 May 1831, d. between 1868 and 1922 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1828 and 1852 | 2 |
Marriage* | 25 February 1869 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Levi Allen Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1874 and 1940 | 2 |
Family | Levi Allen Onstott b. 25 January 1833, d. between 1874 and 1924 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 24 April 1834 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | 1 April 1852 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=John M. Craigg1 |
Death* | between 1858 and 1928 | 2 |
Family | John M. Craigg b. between 1807 and 1834, d. between 1857 and 1921 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1807 and 1834 | 2 |
Marriage* | 1 April 1852 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Mary Ann Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1857 and 1921 | 2 |
Family | Mary Ann Onstott b. 24 April 1834, d. between 1858 and 1928 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | circa 1836 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Death* | between 1837 and 1926 | 2 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 22 January 1838 | 1 |
Marriage* | circa 1866 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Alexander Bourne1 |
Death* | between 1870 and 1932 | 2 |
Family | Alexander Bourne b. between 1818 and 1846, d. between 1871 and 1931 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1818 and 1846 | 2 |
Marriage* | circa 1866 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Sarah E. Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1871 and 1931 | 2 |
Family | Sarah E. Onstott b. 22 January 1838, d. between 1870 and 1932 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 12 July 1839 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | 19 September 1869 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Mary Ann Barker1 |
Death* | between 1874 and 1930 | 2 |
Family | Mary Ann Barker b. between 1830 and 1852, d. between 1874 and 1941 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1830 and 1852 | 2 |
Marriage* | 19 September 1869 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=George Washington Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1874 and 1941 | 2 |
Family | George Washington Onstott b. 12 July 1839, d. between 1874 and 1930 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | circa 1841 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Death* | between 1842 and 1931 | 2 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 3 May 1843 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | 17 March 1870 | Dewitt County, Illinois, Principal=Elizabeth Bourne1 |
Death* | 16 May 1908 | Dewitt County, Illinois1 |
Family | Elizabeth Bourne b. between 1832 and 1854, d. between 1875 and 1943 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1832 and 1854 | 2 |
Marriage* | 17 March 1870 | Dewitt County, Illinois, Principal=Robert Montgomery Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1875 and 1943 | 2 |
Family | Robert Montgomery Onstott b. 3 May 1843, d. 16 May 1908 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 16 June 1845 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | between 1859 and 1892 | Principal=James M. Reynolds2 |
Death* | between 1859 and 1939 | 2 |
Family | James M. Reynolds b. between 1828 and 1848, d. between 1862 and 1934 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1828 and 1848 | 2 |
Marriage* | between 1859 and 1892 | Principal=Nancy Jane Onstott2 |
Death* | between 1862 and 1934 | 2 |
Family | Nancy Jane Onstott b. 16 June 1845, d. between 1859 and 1939 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | circa 1846 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Death* | between 1847 and 1936 | 2 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 15 June 1848 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Death* | between 1849 and 1938 | 2 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | circa 1852 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Death* | between 1853 and 1942 | 2 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 8 March 1853 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | 2 March 1875 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Elizabeth Dennis1 |
Death* | between 1881 and 1944 | 2 |
Family | Elizabeth Dennis b. between 1837 and 1861, d. between 1880 and 1950 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1837 and 1861 | 2 |
Marriage* | 2 March 1875 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=John T. Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1880 and 1950 | 2 |
Family | John T. Onstott b. 8 March 1853, d. between 1881 and 1944 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | 5 May 1854 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 |
Marriage* | 8 October 1874 | Daviess County, Kentucky, Principal=Peachee Boyle Ray1 |
Death* | between 1880 and 1945 | 2 |
Family | Peachee Boyle Ray b. between 1837 and 1861, d. between 1879 and 1950 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1837 and 1861 | 2 |
Marriage* | 8 October 1874 | Daviess County, Kentucky, Principal=Isaac Allen Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1879 and 1950 | 2 |
Family | Isaac Allen Onstott b. 5 May 1854, d. between 1880 and 1945 |
Citations |
Father | William Onstott1,2 b. 11 March 1802, d. 14 July 1882 | |
Mother | Easter Stone1,2 b. 1804, d. 28 September 1897 | |
Pop-up Pedigree |
Birth* | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky1 | |
Marriage* | 23 December 1874 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Bertrand Spratt1 |
Death* | between 1875 and 1968 | 2 |
Family | Bertrand Spratt b. between 1828 and 1863, d. between 1889 and 1950 |
Citations |
Birth* | between 1828 and 1863 | 2 |
Marriage* | 23 December 1874 | Lancaster, Gerrard County, Kentucky, Principal=Susan Catherine Onstott1 |
Death* | between 1889 and 1950 | 2 |
Family | Susan Catherine Onstott d. between 1875 and 1968 |
Citations |
Jill Kastello
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